The Biom Association is one of the leading civil society organizations for nature protection in Croatia and a representative of BirdLife in Croatia, which is the world’s largest bird and nature protection network. The Biom Association was established in 2006.

The mission of the Association is to preserve biodiversity for the benefit of nature and society. It pursues its goals through a series of activities such as: conducting educational activities by organizing public lectures, forums, exhibitions, conferences, courses, seminars, workshops, promoting and popularizing biology and other natural sciences by creating and publishing educational materials (brochures, books, posters, leaflets, manuals and information boards), cooperates with related organizations and institutions at national and international level, conducts scientific and professional research (inventory, biomonitoring and monitoring of biodiversity status), completes the biodiversity databases of Croatia and does research for the purpose of producing expert bases for the designation of protected areas, expert background for the preparation of action plans of endangered species, and for the purpose of developing management plans for protected areas and the ecological network Natura 2000.

Biom has to date conducted several smaller projects regarding seabirds’ surveys in the LIFE Artina implementation area. In 2009/2010, Biom conducted a one-year survey of seabirds. During that survey we assessed rat predation on shearwaters on one pilot site – the island of Zaklopatica. The subsequent year (2011) we conducted one pilot rat-eradication trial on Zaklopatica. In 2016 and 2017 we conducted pilot geo-tagging of Yelkouan Shearwater on 16 individuals. LIFE Artina is the first significant project that Association Biom is managing which concerns conservation of seabirds.

The association currently has almost 400 members and Biom provides them with the opportunity to engage in nature conservation through various activities – in their own homes and the surroundings, as well as in protected areas throughout Croatia.

Website: https://www.biom.hr/

Contact: info@biom.hr